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3 Results
9 Months ago
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
9 Months ago
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
9 Months ago
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
9 Months ago
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
9 Months ago
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
9 Months ago
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
9 Months ago
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
9 Months ago
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
9 Months ago
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
9 Months ago
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
9 Months ago
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
9 Months ago
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
My boat cover had two rips on each corner. Dropped in this morning with out appointment. Was pleasantly surprised with the services and facilities. Stephanie was able to sew the seams back together better than the manufacturer and sent me on my way in one hour. That’s a winner in my book. Will need some service on my PCM marine engine after the summer. Look forward to using their services again. Thanks Bill and Stephanie.
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